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The Use of Botox after Restorative Dental Procedures Discussed in a Workshop

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In a recent workshop at the American Academy of Implant Dentistry Annual Scientific Meeting, Pankaj Singh, DDS, spoke about the need for dentists to focus on facial details after dental implants. He said that that Botox and dermal filler agents can be applied for cosmetic use after implants.

Dr. Singh said “Besides creating beautiful smiles, we like to create harmony between the dento-facial complex by addressing the deep lines and wrinkles in the face that can prevent our patients from looking their best,” He added “Soft tissues that ring the mouth are as important as perfectly restored teeth for an attractive and confident smile.” Botox results in facial muscle relaxation as it blocks nervous signals sent to these muscles. The induced relaxation results in making the facial skin smoother, which means more natural and beautiful appearance.

For patients with wrinkles on the corners of their lips, Dr. Singh said “Botox can be used by dentists to relax affected muscles to raise mouth corners and smooth wrinkles to assure successful and satisfying outcomes,” In addition, Restylane, along with other dermal filling agents, can be used to treat fat and collagen affected by aging. Dr. Singh said “As we age, our body’s production of hyaluronic acid (HA), the body’s natural filler, decreases, which causes facial lines to appear,”

Although dermal filling agents can be useful, they might cause some side effects, such as swelling, redness, and localized pain. Yet, nearly 8% of dentists in North America are now using Botox and dermal filling agents to ensure patients’ satisfaction after dental restorative procedures. Dr. Singh said “Facial volume restoration is the future for achieving optimal esthetic outcomes in the delivery of cosmetic and restorative dental care,”

He concluded “Dentists have as much training and knowledge in the oral and maxillofacial area as dermatologists and other providers, so they, with proper training, can be as proficient in administering these agents.”