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Medicine in Dentistry

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Successful Treatment of the Diabetic Patient: 1 CE / $99course

Mary Beth RogersBy: Troeltzsch, Markus MD/DMD & Matthias MD/DMD
• Amputations: 1 every 4 minutes in the US/ 123,00 per year.
• Heart attacks: 1 every 1.5 minutes in the US/785,00 per year.

Need to hear more about the terrible toll diabetes takes each year? Are you prepared to treat a diabetic patient? Do you know their HbA1c? Are you prepared to recognize hypoglycemia?

Our esteemed medical advisors, Drs. Markus and Matthias Tröltzsch, both of whom have dual degrees in dentistry and medicine, present an outstanding lecture on how to treat diabetic patients. Practical and clear, Markus and Matthias explain how the body needs and processes sugar, and what happens when things go wrong. They teach us the subtleties and differences of Type I and Type II Diabetes and how we need to give patients suffering from these diseases special care when they sit in our dental chairs. Given the epidemic proportions of diabetes, this course is germane for all dental professionals.
Course Objectives
Learners taking these courses will:

  • Become familiar with the basic mechanisms of diabetes
  • Learn about the impact of diabetes on the individual and on society
  • Become familiar with the consequences resulting from poorly treated diabetes
  • Learn about diabetic control and the importance of the HbA1c value
  • Understand the effect of diabetes on dental procedures
  • Learn how to handle a diabetic emergency

Discount Code : DH9T


  • Management of pregnant patients in the daily office: 1 CE / $39 course

    By: Markus Troeltzsch, MD, DMD and Matthias Troeltzsch, MD, DMD

    Discount Code : DHRR