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Zoledronic Acid May Reduce Bone Loss Associated With Osteolytic Squamous Cell Carcinoma Zoledronic Acid May Reduce Bone Loss Associated With Osteolytic Squamous Cell Carcinoma

Date added: 12/22/2010
Date modified: 12/22/2010
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Downloads: 9

This article discusses the use of Zoledronic acid, a biphosphonate compound, for reducing the bone loss of the jaw that takes place with squamous cell carcinoma in the mouth. The article also highlights the risks and side-effects associated with Zoledronic acid such as osteonecrosis.

MRSA, A Continuing Concern for Dentists ? MRSA, A Continuing Concern for Dentists ?

Date added: 12/22/2010
Date modified: 12/22/2010
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Downloads: 9

This article discusses the relation between the infection with MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus) and Dentistry. The article highlights a number of oral diseases caused by MRSA and the best approaches to control that infection.

Do Dental X-Rays Cause Thyroid Cancer, What is the Evidence Do Dental X-Rays Cause Thyroid Cancer, What is the Evidence

Date added: 04/27/2011
Date modified: 04/27/2011
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In May of 2010 an article authored by A Memon, et al, was published in Acta Oncol that describes the results of a case control study of thyroid cancer and dental x-rays. The implication of the study is that exposure to dental x-rays may be associated with an increased risk of thyroid cancer. This published article makes an important contribution to the scientific understanding of thyroid cancer and its potential link to dental x-rays. Since it has also generated extensive reviews in the lay press touting its results, it may be worthwhile to look closer at the research methodology (the study design) as well as the other research exploring this issue.

Local Anesthesia and Trigeminal Nerve Injury Local Anesthesia and Trigeminal Nerve Injury

Date added: 05/10/2024
Date modified: 05/10/2024
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Among the main risks associated with delivery of a local anesthetic, to block to produce numbing of the mandibular teeth, is injury to the inferior alveolar or the lingual nerve. The result of such injury is often persistent neuropathic pain, dyesthesia, or anesthesia involving the distribution of the injured nerve. This article discusses a number of studies that assessed the effects of several anesthetics when causing such injury.

TMJ Steroid Injection - Is it Reasonable? TMJ Steroid Injection - Is it Reasonable?

Date added: 05/18/2011
Date modified: 06/29/2011
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Downloads: 7
TMJ corticosteroid intra-articular injection is sometimes contemplated for the management of TMJ pain. However there are very few guidelines available to advise and inform the TMJ specialist, MD, or Dentist treating a patient with TMJ disease when management should include an injection of corticosteroid. And the guidelines that have been published with respect to the appropriate dosage and technique are woefully inadequate. This article reviews the latest studies that may be helpful in establishing treatment guidelines.
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