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Details for Do Dental X-Rays Cause Thyroid Cancer, What is the Evidence

Name:Do Dental X-Rays Cause Thyroid Cancer, What is the Evidence
In May of 2010 an article authored by A Memon, et al, was published in Acta Oncol that describes the results of a case control study of thyroid cancer and dental x-rays. The implication of the study is that exposure to dental x-rays may be associated with an increased risk of thyroid cancer. This published article makes an important contribution to the scientific understanding of thyroid cancer and its potential link to dental x-rays. Since it has also generated extensive reviews in the lay press touting its results, it may be worthwhile to look closer at the research methodology (the study design) as well as the other research exploring this issue.
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Created On: 04/27/2011 05:07
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Last updated on: 04/27/2011 05:08