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Details for TMJ Steroid Injection - Is it Reasonable?

Name:TMJ Steroid Injection - Is it Reasonable?
Description:TMJ corticosteroid intra-articular injection is sometimes contemplated for the management of TMJ pain. However there are very few guidelines available to advise and inform the TMJ specialist, MD, or Dentist treating a patient with TMJ disease when management should include an injection of corticosteroid. And the guidelines that have been published with respect to the appropriate dosage and technique are woefully inadequate. This article reviews the latest studies that may be helpful in establishing treatment guidelines.
Filename:TMJ Steroid Injection - Is it Reasonable.pdf
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Filetype:pdf (Mime Type: application/pdf)
Created On: 05/18/2011 07:18
Maintained by:Editor
Hits:7 Hits
Last updated on: 06/29/2011 09:48