Researchers from Tufts University School of Dental Medicine have discovered a statistical association between the injection of local dental anesthesia given to children ages two to six and evidence of missing lower wisdom teeth. The results of this epidemiological study, published in the April issue of The Journal of the American Dental Association, suggest that injecting anesthesia into the gums of young children may interrupt the development of the lower wisdom tooth.
Taiwan: Prior studies have suggested that frequent dental and medical screening is associated with an up to five-fold increase in the risk of benign brain tumors. However, Chinese researchers have found that no such association may exist between malignant brain tumors and diagnostic dental X-rays. A CT x-ray study to be published in Implant Dentistry in 2011 suggests that the posterior superior alveolar artery is larger in males than females and is closer to the alveolar crest in the molar regions. According to a paper published by University of Michigan, some orthodontists may be subjecting their young patients, when they order 3-D X-ray screening for simple orthodontic cases, to unnecessary radiation before considering traditional 2-D screening. Potential problems associated with the placement of mandibular implants in the anterior jaw region between the mental foramina include dehiscences or bone fenestrations, mandibular fractures, injuries to the mental nerve and perforation of the lingual cortical bone during surgery with associated hemorrhage into the floor of the mouth. Ultrasound Compared with Panoramic X-ray in the Diagnosis of Dental Abscess in the Hospital Emergency Department (ED) – Dental Implications Potential problems associated with the placement of mandibular implants in the anterior jaw region between the mental foramina include dehiscences or bone fenestrations, mandibular fractures, injuries to the mental nerve, and perforation of the lingual cortical bone during surgery with associated hemorrhage into the floor of the mouth. Thus, prior to surgery, it is important for the surgeon to have accurate x-ray knowledge of bone quality, ridge dimensions such as bone height and width, the location of the mental foramen, mental loop and incisive canal, and possible bone pathology. For the uninitiated, DICOM stands for Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine. This digital format provides standardization of x-ray images for exchange and provides a means of documenting a considerable amount of embedded information within an individual film or imaging series (e.g. CBCT). AS H. Oosterwijk, A Farman, and P Gihring state in the International Congress Series article titled ‘Standardization of image exchange for dentistry using DICOM (Vol. 1268, June 2004 (p1174-1178)), “in addition, use cases are defined to aid in defining integration profiles for Dentistry”. |