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You are in Press Releases Why Your 2nd Molar Tooth Hurts After Wisdom Teeth Extraction

Why Your 2nd Molar Tooth Hurts After Wisdom Teeth Extraction

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January 1, 2024 - Some people feel tremendous pain around their second molar tooth after they have had a wisdom tooth removed.

There could be various reasons why your tooth could be hurting. In this article, we have a look at some of the most common causes of tooth pain" href="/tag/molar-tooth-pain.html">molar tooth pain.

You will definitely need to visit your dentist and have your teeth checked.

Depending on the cause of the problem, you may either need to just wait it out for a few days, or may even need to have extra procedures to extract any unwanted tooth parts in your mouth.

People who have had impacted wisdom teeth are more likely to suffer from molar tooth pain.

1 Tooth Fragments:

There is a tiny possibility that the wisdom teeth wasn’t full taken out from the gum tissue.

The dentist may have accidentally left tiny fragments in the wisdom teeth hole.

In such a scenario, you may need to have a x-ray done to confirm whether there are any outlying tooth parts remaining.

These fragments could be clashing with the nerves in the area, which in turn creates an unwanted pain sensation.

2 Gum Disease:

It may be the case that your mouth is now infected with some sort of bacterial infection.

The main cause of gum disease is poor dental hygiene. If you haven’t been keeping up with your brushing and flossing, then it would be a good idea to start doing so.

After a wisdom tooth extraction, your mouth becomes more exposed so there is a higher chance for pre-existing bacteria to enter the bloodstream and cause inflammation in the gum tissues.

The most common gum diseases are Gingivitis and Periodontal disease.

Both diseases can be healed through the intake of antibiotics, and by maintaining good dental habits.

3 Teeth Alignment:

There is a tiny possibility that the removal of the wisdom teeth has led to a misalignment of the molar teeth.

People with impacted wisdom teeth are more susceptible to this but it doesn’t happen very often.

The growth of the impacted wisdom teeth may have put pressure on the molar teeth over the years so the sudden removal of it could have an effect on the structure of the molar teeth.

4 Dry Socket:

The pain may not be coming from the molar teeth. Rather, you could be experiencing a condition called dry sockets.

This is when the blood clot in the wisdom teeth socket becomes dislodged. People who have dry sockets will experience great pain as the bone structure and nerves within the wisdom teeth socket become exposed.

It is unlikely that you would be able to treat the problem using home remedies.

It is important that you set up an appointment with the dentist immediately to identify the problem.

Before then, you should gargle your mouth with lukewarm salt water or antiseptic solution to kill off the bacteria in your mouth.