Tue, Jun 04th

Demand for Dental Implants Increases throughout the UK

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According to data from www.whatclinic.com, a medical and dental research provider, the demand for dental implants among patients in the UK has increased by double in 2011.

According to their statistics, nearly 150,000 individuals throughout the UK visited the website to check for local private dental offices during the month of May. And 2,500 of these visitors were looking for dental implants. This figure is nearly 105% more than that recoded for the same period in 2011.

Whatclinic.com says that this marked increase in dental implant demand is due to two factors: 1. promoted customer awareness, and 2. the availability of implants at more affordable cost to patients.

The website also noted that the demand for dental implant encompasses the entire UK. Searches on the website for implant inquiries were reported from 350 towns and cities in 2011. The most popular dental implant clinics, based on the search, are those in West Midlands (7.8%) and London (6.1%). In regards to Scotland, the popular settings were those in Lanarkshire (4.6%) and Midlothian (4.0%), and in Somerset (4.0%).

Since nearly 57% of the British public is already missing at least one tooth, the demand for dental implants is expected to continue to grow. The average price for dental implants provided by the clinics listed on Whatclinic.com is £1,860.

Caelen King, CEO of www.whatclinic.com said ‘It is clear that dental implants are increasingly popular with UK consumers, who see the procedure as a permanent solution to replacing lost teeth. The benefits of the procedure, such as an enhanced ability to chew food, protection of the remaining teeth, and improving self-esteem appear to be making implants more popular with consumers all over the UK.'