Degenerative Joint Disease Involving the TMJPosted in Radiology on February 12, 2024 by m.khodeer History Chief Complaint: This 74 year old female was referred because of complaint of progressive pain in the right face and limited jaw movement. Medical History: Positive for breast cancer, arthritis, hypertension, and knee replacement; negative for blunt trauma to the jaw or face. No known allergies. Current medications included Zolpidem, HCTZ, Tramadol, and Prilosec. The patient slept 8 hours nightly and imbibed occasional caffeine. Family Medical History: Heart disease, HBP, Cancer. Review of Systems: Eye pain, GERD, headache, chewing difficulty right side. Examination: Vitals: 165/90; Jaw Opening (ROM) 40mm with pain; maximum opening of 55 mm associated with right sided pain; crepitation bilateral L>R; occlusal contacts bilateral and stable; cranial nerves 2-12 within normal limits; myofascial: right mass and temporalis tender points; cervical within normal limits for her age; lateral capsular tenderness right TMJ Intraoral: Probable geographic tongue; mild dental attrition Radiography: See included CBCT images with specific emphasis on the right Temporomandibular joint. Preliminary Impression: Arthromyalgia right TMJ Final Diagnosis:
This case is courtesy of Bradley Eli, DMD, MS |