Tue, Jun 04th

Acupuncture could Benefit Dental Treatment

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Acupuncture is a rare topic in dentistry. However, experienced users speak out in favor of this method and apply it successfully. In a recently published article, German dentist Prof. Winfried Wojak from Horn-Bad Meinberg describes when and how acupuncture can usefully be applied in the dental setting.

Wojak considers acupuncture an important diagnostic and therapeutically effective method that helps to improve the results of dental treatment. In his article, published on the German website DWZ online, the dentist explains that acupuncture can either be performed in keeping with all aspects of this traditional Chinese methodology or be applied to the ear as a stand-alone system.

In daily practice, acupuncture offers a surprising number of benefits; for example, it can be used to treat an excessive gag reflex, Wojak writes. For this, a needle is placed at point KG 24, located below the lower lip. Used in combination with temporal taps, a self-reprogramming method, acupuncture led to successful treatment of two-thirds of patients with an excessive gag reflex in his experience, according to the dentist.

Wojak states that acupuncture also helps with headaches, craniomandibular dysfunction, tinnitus or emergency treatment after collapse.He asserts that acupuncture facilitates meaningful, comprehensive treatment to the benefit of the patient.