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Everyday Habits to Help Lengthen the Life of Your Teeth PDF Print Email
Wednesday, 22 May 2024 11:10

Here’s a brief list of everyday teeth cheats, or simple habits you should adopt to increase the lifetime of your teeth.

These little rituals are easy to fit into anyone’s daily routine, and can really save you extensive time (and money) that may otherwise be spent on tooth repairs and restorations.

Keep a toothbrush and toothpaste in your purse, desk at work, or your car. Basically, have a toothbrush on hand wherever and whenever you snack.

It’s important to brush right after eating (even if it’s just a tiny snack) to get rid of as much bacteria as quickly as possible.

Many people make a habit out of sipping coffee or tea all day.

Unfortunately, both of these drinks can do some serious damage to your teeth, as they contain staining ingredients for your smile.

You’ve heard it a million times, but that’s because it’s true: drinking water is the best thing that you can do for your body (and your enamel).

If you prefer something hot, try simply heating up your water before drinking.

If not, try to cut down your daily intake of other beverages.

Drink soda or coffee through a straw whenever possible.

This minimizes the amount of enamel that the staining beverages come into contact with.

Your pearly whites will thank you in the long run, and you’ll be able to continue to show off your smile.

Don’t use your teeth to open anything!

They are specialized tools which are solely meant for biting foods and chewing.

Think of it this way: opening a container with your teeth is like using a screwdriver to bang in a nail.

You want your teeth to stay with you for life, so don’t do actively destructive things to them!

Even if you can’t fit all of these practices into your day-to-day life, a couple of these habits can add protection to your smile.

Consider other ways you could adjust your schedule to adopt new and helpful changes to your routine!