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Liquorice Fights Tooth Decay & Gum Disease, Study PDF Print Email
Tuesday, 10 January 2024 10:30

According to a new study, liquorice has at least two substances that can alter the growth of a number of bacterial organisms that cause tooth decay and gum disease. The findings of the study appear in the Journal of Natural Products.

Stefan Gafner and the colleagues on his team note that liquorice’s dried roots are used in Chinese traditional medicine. They add that the roots are used along with other herbal substances for flavoring. During their study, the team checked the role of the sweet root of liquorice in fighting gum disease and cavities.

The tram succeeded in identifying 2 substances in liquorice: licoricidin and licorisoflavan, which appear to have significant antibacterial action. Both substances were found to markedly reduce the concentration bacteria that also cause gum disease.