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Advanced Defence Sensitive Offers New Options for Tooth Sensitivity PDF Print Email
Tuesday, 09 October 2024 00:25

Listerine, a leading provider of oral health solutions, has recently introduced its new product: Advanced Defence Sensitive. The latter is a new mouthwash that features a recently patented technology for treating tooth sensitivity.

In a recent study, Advanced Defence Sensitive was found to block nearly 92% of dentinal tubules within 6 dental tooth brushings. The study was conducted by Johnson & Johnson. Advanced Defence Sensitive features an innovative formula that includes potassium oxalate crystals. These crystals are reported to impregnate the dentinal tubules to a deep level. With continuous use, these crystals may accumulate to ensure blockage of the dentinal tubules.

Susie Sanderson OBE, and a dentist from Sheffield, attended the presentation of Listerine’s Advanced Defence Sensitive. She described dentinal sensitivity pain and how the new innovation can help in treating it.

Another professional, Sally Simpson, a dental hygienist, spoke about handling patients with teeth sensitivity and those who have periodontal issues. She said that such conditions can cause a problem during certain procedures such as ultrasonic and mechanical debridement.

Also, Dr. Roberto Labella, a representative from Johnson & Johnson, introduced Listerine’s Advanced Defence Sensitive. He discussed its features such as the inclusion of 1.42% potassium oxalate which plays a role in the action of the new solution.

Johnson & Johnson’s study suggests that Advanced Defence Sensitive may offer 4 times more effectiveness in blocking dentinal tubules when compared with the leading mouthwashes. The new solution is also said to offer 30% greater effect than toothpaste with 6 times of use.

The study also indicated that Advanced Defence Sensitive can withstand mechanical and acidic insults that occur in the mouth. The study concluded that using the new solution in vivo resulted in 91% more effectiveness in decreasing tooth sensitivity pain, against 2 weeks of using major potassium nitrate toothpaste. In regards to the use of Advanced Defence Sensitive, the recommendation is that it be used three times daily for a minute after each tooth brushing.

In contrast to the above press release, it should be appreciated that while potassium oxalate has been shown to effectively precipitate in the dentinal tubules, in comparison with calcium phosphate it has been shown to have less occluding capacity than this formulation when there are larger diameter tubules. (Suge T, Kawasaki A, Ishikawa K, Matsuo T, Ebisu S. Comparison of the occluding ability of dentinal tubules with different morphology between calcium phosphate precipitation method and potassium oxalate treatment. Dent Mater J. 2005 Dec;24(4):522-9).