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O'Hehir University Opens Registration for Online Bachelor Degree in Dentistry PDF Print Email
Wednesday, 29 August 2024 22:16

O'Hehir University, an international online-based university, has recently announced that it will be open for registration on the 1st of September. O'Hehir University offers dental care professionals that previously received certification or a diploma the opportunity to have an additional Bachelor’s degree in oral health.

The main objective of the online O'Hehir University is to help dental care professionals in pursuing additional studies that may improve their clinical skills. The scientific material provided by the University is based on reflective and inquiry learning.

O'Hehir University is providing its curriculum as a self-directed, projected-based path that ends with earning a Bachelor Degree. The university is mainly addressing dental hygienists who want to promote their skills in regards to dental disease prevention.

O'Hehir University has been founded by a number of well-known dental care professionals. The founders’ list includes Trisha E. O'Hehir, RDH, MS, Phoenix Arizona (Dean), Sarah Cottingham, RDH, Phoenix Arizona (Chair Business Faculty), Tim Ives, BSc (Hons) RDH, FHEA, Rutland, UK (Chair Oral Health Faculty) and Jean E. Suvan, DipDH, MSc, CRA, FHEA, London, UK (Chair Communication Faculty).