- Title:
- The Future of UK Dentistry 2014
- When:
- 17.Jun.2014 - 17.Jun.2014
- Where:
- London NW1 4LE, United Kingdom
- Category:
- Conferences
Following the piloting of new dental contracts between 2011 - 2013, the government remains committed to reforming dentistry in the UK. In order to deliver improvements, the government has outlined plans to deliver more consistent standards, higher quality, more affordable services and better health outcomes for dental patients across the UK. In February 2012, £28 million in extra funding for dentistry was announced in a major government drive to increase the number of people able to access an N.H.S dentist. According to the Department of Health 820,000 more people have already been given access to an N.H.S dentist since May 2010, with this funding expected to bring that number closer to 1 million. In February 2013, NHS England published Securing Excellence in Commissioning N.H.S Dental Services. Subsequently, since April 2013, N.H.S England have had commissioning responsibility for all NHS dental services including primary, community, secondary, out of hours and urgent care. Going forward, N.H.S. dental services will be based on local oral health needs assessments which will be developed by public health teams in local authorities. Additionally, in February 2014 N.H.S England launched Improving Dental Care and Oral Health – A Call to Action to stimulate discussion about the changes that are needed in how the N.H.S commissions and delivers dental services in the interests of improving quality and outcomes for patients. Furthermore, changes to the dentistry regulatory system mean that all providers of primary dental care services in England that carry out regulated activities must now be registered with the Care Quality Commission. the Future of UK Dentistry 2014 forum will provide a timely opportunity to analyse the changing landscape of dental services in the UK. Delegates will hear from leading policy figures and best practice case studies discussing successful methods for delivering high quality dentistry and the challenges of implementing a new dental contract.
- Venue:
- The Royal College of Physicians
- Street:
- 11 St Andrews Place, Regent’s Park
- ZIP:
- 00000
- City:
- London NW1 4LE, United Kingdom
- State:
- UK
- Country:
- UK
We are a forward-looking organisation, relentless in our pursuit of improvements in healthcare and the health of the population. We will achieve this by enhancing and harnessing the skills, knowledge and leadership of physicians in setting challenging standards and encouraging positive change based on sound evidence. Physicians are specialists in the diagnosis and treatment of medical conditions. They are trained in acute (internal) medicine and/or one of the specialties (such as cardiology or oncology). They carry out investigations and procedures, give advice, and prescribe treatments. We support our fellows and members during every stage of their careers, and in doing so improve the quality of patient care. We set and monitor standards of medical training to ensure that patients are treated by fully trained and capable doctors. Our senior physicians sit on appointments committees to ensure that new consultants are of high calibre. Our evidence-based clinical guidelines and audits support our fellows and members in improving and scrutinising clinical care. Our education programmes provide physicians with the knowledge and skills they need for high performance. We lobby government at the highest levels to ensure the best outcomes for patients.