Mon, Jul 22nd


USA, July 8, 2024 - Botox is now being used for practical purposes in some places.


UK, July 2, 2024 - JENA, Germany: While a number of dental laboratories use CAD/CAM technology these days, the computer-assisted design and fabrication of inlays, crowns and smaller bridges is not widely taught at dental schools yet.


Bothered by a toothache? Fearful that the dental drill will hurt more than the toothache, many people choose to hold off on treatment until the bitter end.


As reported by Robert Delcanho of the UCLA Pain List Serve, people with disorders of long-term jaw pain were much more sensitive to mildly painful sensations elsewhere in the body, more aware of body sensations, and experienced greater heart rate increases under mild stress, according to the first large-scale clinical study of its kind by researchers, including those at the University of Maryland School of Dentistry.


In a study published in the Journal of Oralfacial Pain, 2010 (J Orofac Pain 2010, 24(1):106-12), authors J Fernandez-Carnero and colleagues from the Department of Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Rehabilitation and Physical Medicine at the Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain, found in a randomized controlled trial that a single dry needling of a masseter trigger point caused an increase in pressure pain threshold (PPT) and in jaw opening in comparison to sham needling.


There are very few guidelines available to advise and inform the TMJ specialist, MD, or Dentist treating a patient with TMJ disease when management should include an injection of corticosteroid. And the guidelines that have been published with respect to the appropriate dosage and technique are woefully inadequate.


The neuroscience section at this morning’s session was chaired by M Ernnberg and A DaSilva. The first of five speakers was Dr Christian Stohler from the College of Dental Surgery, the University of Maryland, Baltimore, MD. Dr Stohler has published over 75 peer reviewed articles and chapters since 1975 and is currently the Dean of the School Of Dentistry. His keynote address was titled: TMJ Diseases and Disorders: the State of Mind Matters.


The Dental Hub believes that this FDA release is so important it is placing it without edits for our readers.


As reported in the Journal of the American Dental Association, September 2010, the AADR, after three years of literature review, vetting through several levels of the AADR Neuroscience Group, Science Information Committee, and the Board of Directors has released a brief Policy statement regarding the diagnosis and management of conditions involving the temporomandibular joint and jaw musculature (TMD).