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Sun, Mar 03rd


Recently, a team of researchers in Japan managed to design a microscopically thin film, the ‘Tooth Patch’, which they report as being useful for preventing tooth decay or simply making teeth look whiter.


According to a recently published study in the Journal of Breath Research, the chemical causing bad breath, hydrogen sulphide, can speed the transformation of stem cells from dental pulp into viable liver cells.


An article published in the Japan Journal of Infectious Disease (Jpn J Infect Dis. 2011; 64(1):34-39) suggests that oral HPV infection occurs independently of cervical HPV but that oral HPV infection may play a role in general HPV transmission.


A new alloy similar to palladium which is a rare metal used in dental restorations has been developed by scientists from the Kyoto University in Japan. The researchers told the Yomiuri Shimbun newspaper in Tokyo that this element was made by mixing molecules of silver and rhodium, two elements chemically close to palladium, and that development may be the first step in producing synthetic alternatives for other rare earths.


According to a new study, a particular protein that plays a role in healing wounds might help in regenerating periodontal tissue. The study took place in Osaka University Dental School, Japan, and its results are highlighted in January's printed edition of the Journal of Dental Research.