HOW WOULD A DENTAL ASSOCIATION BE ORGANIZED if it was invented today and not a hundred years ago? That was the question which guided the development of the Dental Fusion Organization, the new association which launched on 9th November. Its mission is to support and represent dental professionals working in primary dental care, improve oral health and provide social and clinical training for members.
There is no governing body as DFO members vote directly on every major issue through Web and postal voting. If the members approve, one of the first campaigns will be to reverse the demise of the small independent family practice. Membership is open to all dental professionals and there is also a much tighter integration between the association and dental suppliers, hence the use of the title “Fusion”.
“In the age of the Internet, people are looking to source everything free of charge”, said Chief Executive Derek Watson, “and yet they want an association that is very active, lobbies on their behalf and can give them advice when they need it. Dental Fusion has solved this problem by having its core functions funded by subscriptions; with over £1,000 of additional member benefits donated by suppliers using the ‘Freemium’ model.”
This gives members a very high level of benefits free of charge, secure in the knowledge that the suppliers have been pre-approved by the DFO as knowledgeable and competent in the dentistry market. Unique benefits include the industry-standard Private Fees and Wages Guide and Dental Shield, a subsidized medical indemnity scheme.
Companies currently provide free member benefits in accountancy, legal services, insurance & risk management, Web design, independent financial advice, training and compliance but any company can gain direct access to Dental Fusion members by putting goods or services on their Web site free of charge. The association’s margin is recycled back to the members in the form of Reward Points, giving a real meaning to the independent mutual status of the DFO.
“In addition to dental health and business success, training and assistance with compliance will be a major theme of the new association”, says Derek Watson. “This will be delivered mainly through a series of Webinars which enable dentists to learn at any Web-enabled PC, tablet or smartphone.” Webinars are short focused presentations which are as easy to organize and deliver as they are to attend. So far fifteen lunchtime Webinars have been organized, including Management Monday, Financial Friday and a course on improving your IT skills. These are open to all, but DFO members are entitled to priority registration and verifiable CPD.
FUSION magazine will be published in two formats—a print version for DFO members that includes their unique member benefits and a cut-down on-line version for general distribution giving advertisers a larger reach than they would get from a members-only publication.
For pictures, logos, further information or a list of seminars, contact the Chief Executive Derek Watson BDS on 07983 717223, email [email protected] or visit
To put your product or service on the DFO Web site email [email protected]
In October, Dental Fusion was given the contract to manage the Dental Professionals Association which has been inactive since a failed takeover bid in March.