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A New Study Discusses BPA Effect in Dental Products PDF Print Email
Tuesday, 11 December 2023 15:18

In a recent study from Germany, Bisphenol A (BPA), a compound present in various dental fillings, has a reverse calcium channel blocking effect. The latter is similar to effects induced by medications such as some antihypertensive drugs and others treating cardiac arrhythmia.

The study was named “Bisphenol A inhibits voltage-activated Ca2+ channels in vitro: Mechanisms and structural requirements” More about its results is published online ahead of print in the Molecular Pharmacology journal.

BPA is a chemical compound coming from industrial source and is considered dangerous, especially for infants. Professor Dieter Swandulla, from the Department of Physiology II at the University of Bonn, says that BPA is linked to heart disease, diabetes, obesity, cancer, and neurological dysfunction.

He explained “This substance has been shown to affect the hormonal system and may have negative effects on the function of enzymes and carrier proteins,” adding “It seems that fetuses and newborns are particularly sensitive to BPA,” Based on its potential danger,  the European Commission prohibited the use of BPA in baby bottles in 2011.

Professor Swandulla and the research team, through their study, proved that BPA has a reversible blocking action on calcium channels. Professor Swandulla explains “Drugs such as those used to treat high blood pressure and cardiac arrhythmia on the one hand and neurotoxins, such as heavy metals, on the other hand act on exactly the same calcium channels,” adding “This indicates that BPA can indeed have adverse effects on human health.”

In addition to dental products, BPA exposure results from handling various systems around everyone, such as CDs, banknotes, thermal paper, and food cans. Professor Swandulla comments “This is why it would be desirable to completely stop the production of BPA,” adding “Owing to the high-volume production and its widespread occurrence, it would, however, take a very long time to remove this chemical from the environment and the human organism.”