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Thu, Feb 14th

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Health Imaging Hub provides a complete array of Web 2.0 tools and unique community networking for radiologists, technologists, radiographers, health imaging professionals, diagnostic imaging organizations, technology vendors, entrepreneurs and decision makers, radiology subspecialists, healthcare informatics students, ehealth initiators and other radiology related disciplines.

Joining our Community is FREE!!!, you can simply register to become a valued member and start sharing your experience, knowledge and other health imaging community interests with likeminded.  You can follow us either on social networking website or social bookmarking websites.  You have the option to choose from our industry/region specific newsletters and you have got a full control panel of your own to share your news, your company achievements, new products and other interesting content, all for free.

Finding a job, sharing a job, sharing events and much more.  Through our powerful control panel, you are the in charge of the hub while logged on to use the hub way you want it, store or comment, send private messages, make contacts with industry experts and much more.

Forums: Forums is a good way of communicating with other radiology / health imaging community members.  You can start your own thread under the specific forum of your choice, specialization or interest

Forum is an informal way of discussing day to day issues in your job or at your work place.  You can also ask questions from the other members of forums and can share your knowledge in your domain expertise for the benefit of other community members at the same time.  You have all the main choices under "health imaging" to choose from whether you are a radiology professional, radiologist, resident or a technologist, subspecialist, you will find all the main categories and subcategories to cater your need to reach out radiologists community on the net.  While you are using our forum options, if you would want to suggest a new forum of your interest or a topic of your choice which you didn't find on the hub, we are always here to receive your suggestions, so please don't hesitate to contact us right away...Go to Forums

Jobs: One of the 21st century's challenge is to find a suitable employee for your esteemed organization (as an employer), or finding a suitable, stable organization with the "right" job for your profession... Read more

E-Newsletter: Health Imaging Hub specializes itself in regional news and updates.  Currently we serve different newsletters in one of your specializations as a "portal" or based on the region of your interest...Read More

Recommend Us: Its human nature that when he likes something, he wants to convey it to the people he loves and cares and we value this as one of virtues in our lives....Read More

Events: Got an event to promote? Want to spread the word out to radiology community worldwide? You came to the right place.  With increasing daily traffic, page impressions, and global visits, hub is the best place for you to promote your event...Read More